Once again, Elvis landed in Bologna Riboldi with 8 titles published and 4 countries who had bought the editorial rights. The novelty is that this 2014 La Galera announces the acquisition of media rights in the collection by Edebé Media, France Teleimages , UK Zodiac and Switch Canad
Here is the next installment in Xiulador i Sportman where Sportman wants to show that skill is more important than strength. For this plays rugby. It will be published the third week of March. This is a comic book series published monthly in the magazine Barçakids, it will enclosed in
Edebé Audiovisual and Zodiak Media’s Tele Images are collaborating on I, Elvis Riboldi, an animated show meant for children between the ages of 8 and 12. I, Elvis Riboldi is inspired by the book series penned by Daniel Cerdà, Jaume Copons and Ramon Cabrera and illustrated by Òsc
After two months off, CHARADA back onstage. Costafreda Raúl and Daniel Cerdà, will make a review of the popular music of the last quarter century, with original versions of classic of U2, Johnny Cash, Damien Rice, Jacques Brel, Leonard Cohen, Georges Moustaki, Radio Futura, The Last o
Here is the next installment in Xiulador i Sportman where they try to help skiers, even though they themselves doesn’t know not to ski. It will be published the first week of January. This is a comic book series published monthly in the magazine Barçakids, with the newspaper
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